Food Review #33: Village Park Restaurant and Rasta TTDI

My schedule is always full on Tuesday. From 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening! Can you imagine a straight 10 hours lectures + tutorials? Well this time, I am not blaming my Uni for their lousy system but myself for squeezing in so many modules in one day. Nevertheless, I’m still surviving up until today. Ha! Since I am too lazy to touch and finish up my assignment(s), I’ve decided to do some post food review cause I’ve literally abandoned this blog for few months. There’s no other way to make up to you guys but to post some food reviews! Hehe

Again during my visit last may, a friend of Mr Fiance told him that there is a super duper yummy nasi lemak place in Damansara Utama if I’m not mistaken. To find out if it’s really as it claims then why not try it out right? :) and so we went…. 

The Place is not so fancy smancy but it sure was packed with humans! Literally full house okay! So Im assuming that this place must be really good right? Me and Mr Fiance have to stand up and wait up for available seats. (which means, we have to wait for someone to finish eating la) After a moment, there’s a couple who finished their breakfast and we straightaway took their seats so it wont be taken. Hehe Oh! We went there for breakfast btw so again, maybe that’s why its so packed. Hungry humans in the morning. 

LOL After ordering, we waited for around 10 minutes? Or was it more than that? Haha I can’t remember. 

Anyway, when the food came.. I was so excited to see the chicken! It was huge and seriously look like Ayam Penyet. That crumbs on top of the chicken is definitely the best but again, I was disappointed with the sambal. I am not sure if the Malaysian nasi lemak's sambal tasted all like that but this definitely taste like sambal from the tin/ can. The fried chicken berempah is the winner in this meal and if only they could make the sambal taste more like belacan in it and that not so watery texture then I'll give this a 5 star dish! However, it was still a good nasi lemak for me. (Please improve the sambal pls. haha)


Food rating: 7.5/10

Price rating: 7.5/10
I don't remember the price. Sorry! but it was cheap.


5, Jalan SS 21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia.

The same day but later at night, Mr Fiance brought me to this place called Rasta in TTDI (google it guys). Famous for shisha place and it somehow look like a gerai makan like you see in Bandar? Basically an outdoor eatery place where you definitely need a fresh air cause people were shisha-ing everywhere! Lol Anyways, why did we go there again? Because they’ve got the best Naan (Naan is an Indian bread) in KL I heard. Again, why not? Apologize as I do not have a clearer picture cus I was only using my very decent iphone 5s to take pictures and it was night time so the photo doesn’t do any justice (plus bad lighting). 

I had to zoom the gerai where the Naan came from and it even says "Best Tandoori Chicken and Naan in Kl". The signboard says it all and we ordered both which I refused to try the tandoori at first. After several attempt of convincing me to try it, so I did. 

All I can say is that, THIS IS THE BOMB, To those Malaysians out there, who have not try their Tandoori Chicken and naan, maybe its time to pay this place a visit! All my life, I've always thought that Tandoori Chicken was / were the same everywhere like super dry and just not up to this level (in Brunei though) I swear the ones I had in Brunei was/were never as soft/tender/juicy as this one right here. The chicken was so flavorful and every single bit of the chicken was cooked to perfection. 

The naan was also super duper soft! Its not even liat at all. How do you say liat in English? CHEWY! haha excuse me. Some bread is just doughy and chewy but this my friend, is indeed the best Naan in KL or in fact by far the best Naan I've ever had in my 23 years of living. Double thumbs up. :D To those peeps who's visiting Malaysia, make sure to come by this place.


Food Rating: 9.5/10 (if only they have nicer gravy / kuah)
Price Rating: 8/10
again, I couldnt remember the price but swear it was worth it. :) 

I couldn't find the exact address but you can always google map it! If you know where Joe's Barber Shop is then it's somewhere there in TTDI. 

Thank you again for dropping by my blog and I hope it gives you not much but a little bit of information of where to eat good food! All the mentioned places are wani APPROVED! Until next update.


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